Friday 5th June 2015 - More Colorado Magic with 3 tornadoes
Colorado is the place to be at the moment, total tornado count up to 11 over 2 days. 8 Thursday and 3 Friday. It wasn't an easy chase, probably one of the most difficult chase days I've had, with core punching HP supercells to get into the area where the mesocyclone and tornado potential was. Initially we headed west just after brunch in Limon, CO where we stayed overnight, as tornado-warned storms were already firing SE of Denver. But as these were struggling after an hour of watching we blasted east to a new area of storms. We got on to them near Anton and blasted through golfball hail into the bears cage to be greeted to a large cone tornado coming towards us:
It was getting only a few 100 yards away when we decided to put our foot down to get out of its path. We then blasted east then cut south to punch through another supercell coming up from the south, core punching more golfball hail and extreme rainfall to come out the otherside to be greeted by another cone tornado dancing in the field just to the right of the road:
The tornado lifted up and as we continued south we got hit by strong RFD winds wrapping around the mesocyclone above us, further down the road the meso crossing the road behind us dropped another cone tornado and we stopped in a safe position to film/photo it as it crossed the road.
Eventually we blasted back north through the western side of this line of severe storms, stopped in Wray for a nice steak meal in place called 4th Street before heading to Sterling for our overnight stay.
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